Tweets Of The Week

Joss Whedon gets his own Twitter account, Benedict Cumberbatch’s neutron cream and the great Eurovision/Doctor Who debate, all in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab)

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If you’re one of the six remaining people on the planet yet to sign up to Twitter you’ve got no excuse now because King of the Geeks, Joss Whedon, is finally one of us. OK, he’s been tweeting from the @MuchAdoFilm account for weeks, but now he’s got his own account ( @JossActual ) and is taking the interwebs BY STORM with a liberal attitude towards hashtags and only the occasional tweet about his dinner. To think, Joss Whedon could pop up in the corner of your monitor the next time you’re doing your taxes online. We truly do live in a golden age.

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@JossActual It’s me! Joss! My own account! No more hiding under studio skirts! I’m FREE! @MuchAdoFilm @AgentsofSHIELD @Marvel @roadsidetweets #free

@JossActual I’m on a plane! I’m having tea! I’m wearing shoes! This is how twitter works, right? I tell you guys EVERYTHING. Great! #syphilis

@JossActual Btw, I’ve been tweeting on @MuchAdoFilm for weeks, and I used up all my funny — so get ready for the B-side! #mydogthinkshespeople

@JossActual “I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.” –The Hulk, explaining why he’s mauve.

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@Markgatiss Watching #Eurovision a bit behind. So far: Sontaran ships, Ood spheres and the Master’s costume.

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@OldRoberts953 I think Clara and the Great Intelligence should run through these clips of Eurovision past. #eurovision

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@RhettReese Our Zombieland series will not be moving forward on Amazon. Sad for everyone involved.

I’ll never understand the vehement hate the pilot received from die-hard Zombieland fans. You guys successfully hated it out of existence.

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@WilliamShatner In case you missed Jimmy Kimmel last night here’s one of my ideas on Episode 7. JJ you have my number! 😉

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@EddieMcClintock Pete and Jinksy react to today’s #WAREHOUSE13 news. #IPITYTHEFOO (opens in new tab)

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@allisonscag Most have you have heard. All good things must come to an end, and I’m very grateful we get 6 more episodes to say goodbye to Warehouse 13.

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@JaneEspenson I have enjoyed watching #warehouse13 grow and thrive. I hope it stays around a lot longer!

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@MarcW Day 68. The Amazing Spider-Men.

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@ERICBALFOUR Sexy model sluts posing with the fire truck on set. #Haven Hubba Hubba! (opens in new tab)

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@joe_dante Before you ask….I don’t know anything about it! #remake #dontfeedaftermidnight #ialreadymadethatmovie

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@andrewstanton (opens in new tab) Just watched Monsters University graduate. Boy is the world in for a treat. #sogood (opens in new tab)

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Tweets Of The Week continues on page 2!

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@radiomaru The guy who plays Robb Stark should play @edgarwright in the movie adaptation of my life

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@garethlpowell People ask why I choose sci-fi to explore themes of humanity and identity in my work. And I say, BECAUSE SCIENCE FICTION IS FUCKING AWESOME.

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@sebroche The boys are back in town @dicksp8jr @RobBenedict @stevecarlsson Cliff and of course the Jensen 🙂

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@MuseZack Hey Sarah Connor Chronicles fans, ever wonder where Cromartie got his fake FBI “agent Kester” name from?

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@Aiannucci I was born the week JFK was shot and Dr Who first went on air. I’ve been obsessed by politics and fantasy ever since.

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@simonpegg GET DOWN!!! (opens in new tab) #intodarkness #1701

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@mishacollins It’s a shame, the UK used to be so quaint and lovely… The 21st century has not been kind. (opens in new tab)

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@RobBenedict : UK! thanks for warm welcome–a sea of awesomeness! #A10

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10 games like Assassin’s Creed to take a leap of faith on

If the latest Viking escapades with Eivor have given you a taste for games like …

Tweets Of The Week

SHIELD wraps, a first look at Sin City 2 and will Neil Gaiman’s Who episode really be called “The Last Cyberman”? All in the latest Tweets of the Week (opens in new tab)

S.H.I.E.L.D, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , Sin City: A Dame To Kill For , An Adventure In Space and Time , X-Men: Days Of Future Past … forget traditional news media, seems the best way to keep up with the latest happenings in the fast-moving world of film and TV is to make sure you’re following the right people on Twitter.

We told you about Marc Webb last week (opens in new tab) . Since then he’s tweeted a revealing video that many are speculating could give us a glimpse of Spidey’s new mask:

(opens in new tab) (opens in new tab) – Day 9.

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Robert Rodriguez has broken his Twitter silence to give the world its first glimpse of the long-overdue Sin City sequel:

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Here’s bad ass Josh Brolin driving a Rodriguez-mobile. (A green box with a steering wheel bolted on)

And here’s a quick photo touch up I do to set a tone for the actors. (Probably won’t be raining in final movie)
And Bryan Singer announced the casting of who is believed to be the villain in Days Of Future Past:

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Officially like to welcome #PeterDinklage from #GameOfThrones to #XMEN #DaysofFuturePast Very very excited!

The SFX Twitter Stream

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Now that everyone’s reporting the working the title of my next Doctor Who episode as News, I’ve just had an idea for a better title. #OhGood

Nothing will be locked until April. RT @crimsong19 : Rushing to change the title before they lock in “The Last Cyberman”, huh?

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They’re having another go! (opens in new tab)

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Look where I am and look who with.

Almost half way through. I wish I could show you behind the door but ….

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SPN’s officially picked up for another year! For budgetary reasons, the brothers %26 angel will be gone. Season 9 will be about a psychic dog!

Twit me with any alternate story lines u want me to pass on to the writers. I’ll fight for each idea you send tooth and nail.

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Only in America……….

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My buddy makes me suffer from feelings of watch-inadequacy…

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“@Juantee: @NathanFillion When Whalberg plays Nathan Drake, I’ll be thinking of you.” Accurate. In.

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

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It all happened. Dogs are great. RT @Seany_White yo can i get an explanation to the end of lost?

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a new scott pilgrim comic

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Wise words, Blizzard. Wise words!

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Worse than a #rubikscube “5 years old %26 up..?!” Please. (opens in new tab)

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Who doesn’t love winter citrus season?

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10 games like Assassin’s Creed to take a leap of faith on

If the latest Viking escapades with Eivor have given you a taste for games like …

Tweets Of The Week

Wil Wheaton has a rummage through his garage, Simon Pegg on that Trek poster and tributes to Karen Berger, all in the latest Tweets of the Week (opens in new tab) .

Where else, other than Twitter, could you discover the contents of Wesley Crusher’s garage? Perennial SFX top twitterer Wil Wheaton took to our favourite social networking site recently to, er, live tweet a rummage through his garage. But, of course, as any geek worth their salt knows, there’s treasure to be in any collection, particularly one belonging to someone as geeky as Wheaton. Here are some of our favourite finds:

I think Paramount sent out TNG press kits in this metal briefcase in 1987.

I have the entire original star trek on vhs. Weird to get rid of these beloved tapes because I have dvds and Netflix.

Due to popular demand, some of the artifacts I’m uncovering in my garage will be charity auctioned in the very near future.

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ simonpegg I am going to limp across this finish line, bruised, broken and possibly in flames but by jingo, it will be worth every fracture. #worldsend

Lot of comments about the Gherkin in the Trek poster. Why is that strange? St Paul’s has been standing for 500 years.

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@ thejillthompson Karen Berger gave me my first DC Comics job on WonderWoman. I’m happy to say I pencilled the first Vertigo issue of Sandman.

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@ andydiggle Thank you, Karen Berger, for everything. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do next.

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@ JamesGunn It was a lot more fun when most of the controversy surrounding me was because I consider 28 Days Later a zombie film.

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@ glenmazzara Congrats to the cast %26 crew for a great season. #WalkingDead

Thrilled to announce @ianmckellen118 & @SirPatStew are joining the cast of #XMEN #DaysOfFuturePast #magneto #professorX More to come…

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@ ElizabethBanks Well, look what just arrived at my house. Fangirling! Thanks @HBO . #perks

I’ll also keep Grim Fandango and Full Throttle and make Tim do embarrassing things to get them from me.

@SineaadConlon : @REALLAURENSOCHA do you miss being on misfits?:) #asklauren ” only my gang 🙁 xx

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@ radiomaru every concept would be better if applied to batman, including citizen kane, rosemary’s baby, casablanca, and assassin’s creed III

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@ MarcW Meet Harry Osborn. @danedehaan .

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Check out previous Tweets of the Week here. (opens in new tab)

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10 games like Assassin’s Creed to take a leap of faith on

If the latest Viking escapades with Eivor have given you a taste for games like …

Tweets Of The Week

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Neil Gaiman on WhoSay

Twitter was made for Halloween. Without it how else would you see Nathan Fillion’s inspired ode-to-the-home-country costume? Or Patton Oswalt’s incredible supervillain get-up? It may have been somewhat overshadowed by a little Star Wars announcement thing (opens in new tab) last week, but here’s our overdue round up of our favourite tweets from Halloween 2012:

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@ NathanFillion Show me your Halloween costumes!! Here’s mine- (opens in new tab)

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@ TheRock “Don’t make angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry” The People’s Hulk #HappyHalloween

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@ TheAVClub Here’s @PattonOswalt ‘s elaborate Halloween costume #GreatJobInternet (opens in new tab)

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@ MillaJovovich Paul and I on Halloween!! (opens in new tab)

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ EdgeRatedR Anyone else find it odd that in the credits I’m WWE Superstar Edge? # awkward

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@ JaneEspenson That scene in tonight’s #OnceUponATime was rare instance of Vancouver actually playing the role of Vancouver on TV.

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@ TimOfLegend Biggest technical inaccuracy of Wreck-It Ralph: there is an arcade in it that’s still in business.

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@ DamonLindelof If I ever need a suicide note, I’ll just print out this comments section. (opens in new tab)

Felicia Day

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@ feliciaday Hmm can anyone guess what I’m doing today? (opens in new tab)

You guessed right!!! What better place to be on Halloween than on the set of #Supernatural ? Charlie’s back! 🙂

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@ JamesGunn So excited for the new Star Wars films! First up, three Jar Jar movies, taking us through 2019, and then the Dash Rendar trilogy! Whoo hoo!

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@ neilhimself I believe that we’ve just locked my Dr Who script. I probably won’t have to write it again until we need new ADR dialogue once it’s edited.

@ WilliamShatner @AlexStubbe : @williamshatner Debuting tonight at halloween party as full-blown Trekkie. Any advice?” Don’t wear red. MBB

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@ EddieMcClintock I got high today, for the first time in 13 years! #WAREHOUSE13

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@ radiomaru LOOPER is imho so perfect that i don’t feel required to write or create anything ever again. We’re safe in @rcjohnso ‘s hands. hahahaha sigh

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10 games like Assassin’s Creed to take a leap of faith on

If the latest Viking escapades with Eivor have given you a taste for games like …

Tweets Of The Week

Week two of the Olympics and, perhaps unsurprisingly, the only thing Twitter’s been talking about is the Olympics. Well, until this morning when the only thing Twitter wanted to talk about was the Mars landing. Neither of these are sci-fi (technically), of course, but both have exemplified humanity at its near-superhuman best.

To celebrate a long weekend we can all be proud of here are the stars of sci-fi’s endearingly geeky takes on events:

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@ edgarwright We got our ass to Mars.

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@ BambolaBambina I wonder if they will find my Cylons on Mars?!?! #MarsCuriosity

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@ nickjfrost Touchdown Confirmed. Now to make contact with Kuato.

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@ EddieMcClintock I haven’t seen this many nerds cheering, crying %26 hugging, since the announcement of a seventh season of Star Trek: Next Generation, in ’94

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@ MarsCuriosity I’m safely on the surface of Mars. GALE CRATER I AM IN YOU!!! # MSL

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ ManMadeMoon Every time Heroes gets played at the Olympics, my dad has a Highlander style quickening. #littleknownolympicfacts

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@ SamuelLJackson OKaaaay….. GB screwed by some Pommelfuqqinhorse JUDGE Horseshit AGAIN! WTF!! Smith wz BRILLIANT! [ Ed – this really isn’t anything to do with sci-fi, but it was too good/bizarre for us not to include]

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@ charltonbrooker The Russian cyclists are dressed as henchmen from a 60s Dr. Who movie.

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@ GrantBowler Spent the morning rappelling In preparation for Tuesday shooting #bestjobever #Defiance #defianceworld #defiancegame

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@ Paul_Dini I love it when people with no appreciation for science fiction/fantasy try to explain, create or even pronounce “steampunk.”

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@ stevendeknight Band of Brothers meets Halo. Bam! RT @Salexoxo what is your new show about? Can we expect drama in ‘spartacus’ style?

Behind the scenes on the Proof of Concept shoot for my new show being developed by Starz. Me on left directing. (opens in new tab)

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@ TobyHadoke Another “Greatest Film Of All Time” Poll, another cruel oversight for Tremors (when will they realise its majesty?) : (opens in new tab)

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@ BRIANMBENDIS So every great game has a thing that never gets old. In the marvel mmo it is the hulk head butting any and everything

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@ David_Boreanaz Who is this guy Angel everyone keeps tweeting me about and who’s Buffy?

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10 games like Assassin’s Creed to take a leap of faith on

If the latest Viking escapades with Eivor have given you a taste for games like …

Tweets Of The Week

Twitter 101: unless they’re being retweeted, you’ll never see an @ mention of someone you don’t follow if the @ is at the beginning of a tweet. The reason this is important is because if you’re not following the right people you could be missing out on some hilarious exchanges. For example, last week when Karen Gillan posed the question “What type of person decides to become a writer?” (a tweet we could speculate about for hours) she got replies from some familiar names. Here are our favourites:

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@ KarenGillan2 Question! In one adjective; what type of person decides to become a writer? #research

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@ steven_moffat @KarenGillan2 Handsome.

Okay, actually thought about it this time. My word is: interior (under all the handsome.)

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@ jamesmoran @ KarenGillan2 Crazy

Or, for me, “daydreamy”. It’s a word! I said so!

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@ OldRoberts953 @KarenGillan2 Wordy.

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@ danharmon @KarenGillan2 bad

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ colinferg Sitting next to @mishacollins on the plane and ACTUALLY saw him type ‘Learn to use twitter’ on his Notes to Self… *facepalm* ..exhale..

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@ mishacollins The guy next to me on the plane keeps asking if I want his autograph. I don’t want to encourage him. What should I do? (opens in new tab)

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@ RyanMcPartlin : no matter how hard I try 2 quit @ZacharyLevi and Gomez, they’re everywhere I look. (opens in new tab)

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@ MoTancharoen It’s Joss’s birthday. Sing at him. #HappyBirthdayJoss

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@ alan_tudyk My role was cut down in “Abe Lincoln Vamp Hunter,” Up side? I no longer die. That frees me up for the sequel, “JFK, Werewolf Poacher.”

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@ ChrisChibnall “The Prisoner”, that’s all I’m saying. (opens in new tab)

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@ BradBirdA113 Best unintentional ad for THE HOBBIT; 2 seasons of extraordinary chemistry between Martin Freeman %26 Benedict Cumberbatch in BBC’s SHERLOCK.

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@ MsJaimeMurray I really want a dragon @gameofthrones

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@ jwrinzler Talked with George today about Making of Jedi. Always a great time after building up questions for more than a year.

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@ wossy Am writing a piece for The Times on the subject of Batman Vs Spiderman. The Geeks shall inherit…

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@ SamWitwer Sneak peak. #BeingHuman season 3. New look for Aidan. Exclusive. (opens in new tab)

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@ DAVID_A_SLADE Yep, nope, Josh Hartnet is not being discussed or anyone else for DD that was just some wishful thinking, we are not at casting stage.

More DD debunking I am firmly against shooting in stereo so its unlikely to happen that way, & Fox is rightly against 2D to 3D conversions.

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@ ConanOBrien Every little child loves to cuddle up with Bane, the psychotic, venom fueled nemesis of Batman. (opens in new tab)

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@ theaarondouglas Looks like Ubisoft is buying up “watchdogs” movie domain names. Don’t ask me why but fingers crossed.

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@ missmorenab I’d say I’m equal parts gangster and grandma.

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Read the latest Doctor Who news in our rolling news accumulator (opens in new tab) .

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10 games like Assassin’s Creed to take a leap of faith on

If the latest Viking escapades with Eivor have given you a taste for games like …

Tweets Of The Week

The reporting of news has fundamentally changed thanks to Twitter. Take last Wednesday’s announcement of Doctor Who ’s new companion, Jenna Louise-Coleman. In the past, the experience of such events was this: journalists in attendance frantically texting their co-workers in the office who bung up as much information online as quickly as possible. And before that: journalists in attendance casually jot down a few notes and write up a story two weeks later, the rest of the world finds out in 3-4 weeks.

Now, of course, there’s a much more direct route to the audience, only during last week’s announcement there wasn’t because none of the journos in attendance had a signal (except @ bbcdoctorwho (opens in new tab) naturally). Regardless of who tweeted it first, the world found out at almost exactly the same time as the once privileged-few did, the democracy of information in a nutshell. This is a Very Good Thing of course, and you might rightly ask “What do we need websites and magazines for anyways?” Well, the only problem with Twitter’s bare-bones news service is that unless you’re sat in front of a computer watching the stream tick along chances are you could miss a vital piece of information, and 140 character bursts don’t exactly lend themselves to such things as analysis, commentary and colour, which is why we suggest you check out our updated companion news page (opens in new tab) , and our handy Doctor Who series 7 accumulator (opens in new tab) . Oh, and follow us on Twitter (opens in new tab) . It’s the future you know.

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The SFX Twitter Stream

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@ simonpegg If you see a link to a news item entitled Simon Pegg talks Star Trek 2, it will invariably be about how I cannot talk about Star Trek 2.

@ neilhimself No, SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNSTMAN looks cool. And MIRROR MIRROR looks desperate. RT @BeachBassBone : Do they both look awful to you?

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@ RhettReese Roger Ebert famously said Video Games can’t be art. He needs to play Journey on the PS3.

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@ ManMadeMoon I think EDI and Gerty would make beautiful babies together.

Computer games graphics artists, love you guys so much. So sorry I hardly notice %90 of what youve put in a level! Bet its awesome!

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@ SamWitwer Speaking of #TheMist , Greg Nicotero was kind enough to curse my home with this little bastard. (opens in new tab)

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@ leeunkrich In case you’re wondering, in two years it will be my twentieth anniversary at Pixar. For that, I’ll get a bronze Woody.

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@ ninadobrev Day 1 of shooting the season 3 finale of The Vampire Dairies. It’s the beginning of the end of the season…

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@ Markgatiss Tonight: The Living Dead at theManchester Morgue! Wanted to see it since seeing stills in House of Hammer magazine years ago.

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@ cbalestra Infected #thelastofus (opens in new tab)

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@ warrenellis If the Doctor Who cast gets any younger they’ll have to be filmed with a laparoscope

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@ TomHarrisMP No, @carolynharris , it is *not* my “map of tragedy” – it is a map of Westeros out of “Game of Thrones” that I got free with @SFXmagazine .

Felicia Day

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@ feliciaday So I imported my ME2 character into ME3 and…someone got the ugly stick out with the pixel conversion. #fugly

Bryan Lee O Malley

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@ radiomaru someone cared enough to hire @ADAMATOMIC (creator of Canabalt) to do the Hunger Games: Girl on Fire iOS game. someone gets a cookie

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@ TheRealNimoy On the set Of Big Bang with Jim Parsons ! LLAP (opens in new tab)

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Tweets Of The Week continues on the next page…

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@ simonpegg Morning all. Happy @WilliamShatner day.

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@ WilliamShatner @simonpegg I’ve heard about William Shatner Day but I do have a question; what do I do on William Shatner Day?

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@ simonpegg @ WilliamShatner Anything you want to boss. 🙂

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@ ERICBALFOUR I’m thankful that when I was 18 and didn’t feel interesting enough that I didn’t legally change the spelling of my first name to “Aeryk”…

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@ nolanfunk @allisonscag Montreal is really close toToronto… just sayin. Todd misses Claudia

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@ RealKiefer Reunited w/ @joncassar ,lead Director of “24”, directing on #Touch . Couldn’t be happier! (opens in new tab)

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@ charltonbrooker Tax relief for games industry? But they’re loaded. Played a game the other day; gold coins all over the place. Some floating in midair.

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@ therealcliffyb Dragon’s Lair is the herpes of the videogame business. It never goes away, no one wants it, it’s it’s not fun.

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@ ManMadeMoon Just watched new BSG Blood %26 Chrome trailer. Makes me wonder about the future of studio “tentpole” movies.

Studios have been relying on Sfx to justify the “event-iness” of summer blockbusters, but as Blood & Chrome & Game of Thrones are showing…

Tv is fast catching up with their ability to provide “scale.” will be interesting to see what studios focus on next to lure us to the cinema

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@ DarrenAronofsky just saw hunger games. gotta say it was suspenseful. good young cast. of course jennifer josh and liam but watch out for knife asassin.

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@ bengcotton Zeppelin certainly does the trick. Hi5 @Syfy

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10 games like Assassin’s Creed to take a leap of faith on

If the latest Viking escapades with Eivor have given you a taste for games like …

Tweets Of The Week

Farewell tweets from the final day of Eureka , Simon Pegg on those Star Wars changes and which director is addicted to Deus Ex ? All in this week’s tweets (more…)

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10 games like Assassin’s Creed to take a leap of faith on

If the latest Viking escapades with Eivor have given you a taste for games like …

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