Joss Whedon gets his own Twitter account, Benedict Cumberbatch’s neutron cream and the great Eurovision/Doctor Who debate, all in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab)
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If you’re one of the six remaining people on the planet yet to sign up to Twitter you’ve got no excuse now because King of the Geeks, Joss Whedon, is finally one of us. OK, he’s been tweeting from the @MuchAdoFilm account for weeks, but now he’s got his own account ( @JossActual ) and is taking the interwebs BY STORM with a liberal attitude towards hashtags and only the occasional tweet about his dinner. To think, Joss Whedon could pop up in the corner of your monitor the next time you’re doing your taxes online. We truly do live in a golden age.
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@JossActual It’s me! Joss! My own account! No more hiding under studio skirts! I’m FREE! @MuchAdoFilm @AgentsofSHIELD @Marvel @roadsidetweets #free
@JossActual I’m on a plane! I’m having tea! I’m wearing shoes! This is how twitter works, right? I tell you guys EVERYTHING. Great! #syphilis
@JossActual Btw, I’ve been tweeting on @MuchAdoFilm for weeks, and I used up all my funny — so get ready for the B-side! #mydogthinkshespeople
@JossActual “I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.” –The Hulk, explaining why he’s mauve.
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The SFX Twitter Stream
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@Markgatiss Watching #Eurovision a bit behind. So far: Sontaran ships, Ood spheres and the Master’s costume.
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@OldRoberts953 I think Clara and the Great Intelligence should run through these clips of Eurovision past. #eurovision
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@RhettReese Our Zombieland series will not be moving forward on Amazon. Sad for everyone involved.
I’ll never understand the vehement hate the pilot received from die-hard Zombieland fans. You guys successfully hated it out of existence.
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@WilliamShatner In case you missed Jimmy Kimmel last night here’s one of my ideas on Episode 7. JJ you have my number! 😉
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@EddieMcClintock Pete and Jinksy react to today’s #WAREHOUSE13 news. #IPITYTHEFOO (opens in new tab)
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@allisonscag Most have you have heard. All good things must come to an end, and I’m very grateful we get 6 more episodes to say goodbye to Warehouse 13.
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@JaneEspenson I have enjoyed watching #warehouse13 grow and thrive. I hope it stays around a lot longer!
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@MarcW Day 68. The Amazing Spider-Men.
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@ERICBALFOUR Sexy model sluts posing with the fire truck on set. #Haven Hubba Hubba! (opens in new tab)
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@joe_dante Before you ask….I don’t know anything about it! #remake #dontfeedaftermidnight #ialreadymadethatmovie
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@andrewstanton (opens in new tab) Just watched Monsters University graduate. Boy is the world in for a treat. #sogood (opens in new tab)
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Tweets Of The Week continues on page 2!
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@radiomaru The guy who plays Robb Stark should play @edgarwright in the movie adaptation of my life
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@garethlpowell People ask why I choose sci-fi to explore themes of humanity and identity in my work. And I say, BECAUSE SCIENCE FICTION IS FUCKING AWESOME.
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@sebroche The boys are back in town @dicksp8jr @RobBenedict @stevecarlsson Cliff and of course the Jensen 🙂
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@MuseZack Hey Sarah Connor Chronicles fans, ever wonder where Cromartie got his fake FBI “agent Kester” name from?
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@Aiannucci I was born the week JFK was shot and Dr Who first went on air. I’ve been obsessed by politics and fantasy ever since.
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@simonpegg GET DOWN!!! (opens in new tab) #intodarkness #1701
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@mishacollins It’s a shame, the UK used to be so quaint and lovely… The 21st century has not been kind. (opens in new tab)
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@RobBenedict : UK! thanks for warm welcome–a sea of awesomeness! #A10
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• Hungry for more? Read previous Tweets Of The Week here… (opens in new tab)