Aw, diddums. Has Merlin ’s Sir Percival got a nasty blister? The big girly wuss. He’s a knight, for heaven’s sake. You’d think all that chafing from the chainmail would have toughened him up a bit.
Meal Of The Week
We know the recession is hitting hard – especially in a blue-collar town like Haven – but eating your won children for Sunday lunch? At least they seem be saying grace before they sit down.
Monty Python Fan Of The Week
We loved Walter’s tribute to the Ministry Of Silly Walks in Fringe.
Backhanded Tribute Of The Week
More genius from BBC Radio 4’s The Now Show , but you have to wonder how much of it sent over the heads of the general listeners. As if that matters.
Nothing Says I Love You Like… Of The Week
In a bizarre alternate world Charlie Brown proposed to Lucy with a custom-made R2D2 engagement ring. Romance clearly isn’t dead. See the whole story unfold here…
The Truth Of The Week
With not much tinkering, it could apply to people queuing for midnight movie premieres too… [via Dorkly ]
Unexpected Crossover Of The Week
Is it just us, or does anyone else think the snowmen in the John Lewis Christmas ads are related to the Weeping Angels?
Revelation Of The Week
Apparently Spider-Man, Harry Potter and World Of Warcraft are among the most popular franchises for helping people worldwide learn the English. Research by Kaplan International Colleges , a leading provider of English courses, revealed that over half of people surveyed said they improved their knowledge of the English language by reading comic books and that Peter Parker’s alter ego was the most popular superhero. However, here at the Spurious head office, we’re more bemused at the idea of people in Peru learning English from Harry Potter (presumably they inserteramus much cod Latin) and Grand Theft Auto (allowing them to issue threats in all sorts of colourful ways).
Now that Merlin is being broadcast so late on a Saturday night, the writers seem to be taking full advantage of the fact that the last five minutes are post-watershed. Who’d have thought four years ago the show would have a fisting gag?
Rubbish Effect Of The Week
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The blue screen work and that CG octopus on Haven are fooling no-one.
Costume Designer Of The Week
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Looks like Jean-Paul Gaultier has joined the Red Dwarf production team.
Fictional Break-Up Of The Week
Gillian Anderson denied all those recent rumours that she and David Duchovny were dating in a Guardian interview this week, but it seems she would have been happy to play along for a while if her old X-Files mate hadn’t revealed the truth first. “You mean me and David [Duchovny], romantically? No, there wasn’t any truth in that. I was enjoying the ludicracy [sic] of it for a while, but then he started denying it publicly and so I lost all my enjoyment of it… I emailed him at one point and said: ‘You left the toilet seat up again.’”
Surprise Cameo Of The Week
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We know David Tennant has become a bit of an advert whore recently, but we were still a bit surprised when a thinly-disguised 10th Doctor turned up in a car insurance ad that fell out of mag delivered to the office. “I am not an animal, I am Time Lord!”
Sing-A-Long Of The Week
Bizarre Concept For An Infographic Of The Week
Zombies Vs Floor Covering. Full marks to BuyFloors for thinking outside of the box.
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SFX Sandwich Of The Week
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Cheers to Crown Jules for alerting us to this fine bit of subliminal advertising.
Forget all that kerfuffle in Australia about legal moves to enforce plain cigarette packaging. The real anti-smoking drive has been in telefantasy over the past fortnight. Sinbad, Warehouse 13 , True Blood and Teen Wolf have all had stomach-churning scenes of characters coughing up smoke and tar.
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Revelation Of The Week
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Nick’s mum recalls with relish the fringe benefits of being a Grimm: “Didn’t your aunt ever tell you about that fetish club we set up?”
STI Of The Week
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Teen Wolf ’s Jackson’s really wished he hadn’t had sex with that faerie.
Unexpected Guest Star Of The Week
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An Observer makes a house call in Warehouse 13 .
Coffee Cosy Of The Week
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And they’re available to buy! [via Etsy (opens in new tab) ]
Embarrassing Dad Dancing Of The Week
Nothing wring with a bit of formation Trek -themed zombie dancing (though we doubt it’ll replace synchronised swimming at the Olympics) but there always has to be one guy who goes over-the-top and ends up looking a complete plonker. Guess which red shirt we’d pick off first…
Cottage Industry Of The Week
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When Redditor zzach posted these pics and the following message, he didn’t realise that he may have just made his mom rich: “I couldn’t afford a pair of Batman Converse that I wanted so my talented mom said she would paint on some existing shoes. She did not disappoint.” The reaction was so overwhelmingly positive, Mom is now taking commission. We reckon DC should give her a job too.
Worst One-Night Stand Of The Week
Cultural stereotyping goes crazy. Or post-modern. Or something.
Posters Of The Week
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Once Upon A Time In A Galaxy Far, Far Away… The original Star Wars trilogy reimagined as spaghetti Westerns by Tim Anderson .
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Relapse Of The Week
Stark’s still battling those demons.
Social Commentary Of The Week
This touching tale is the work of third year animation students at Bezalel Academy of Arts who clearly all have Pixar in their sights… [via Geeks Are Sexy ]
Evil game coders in Continuum create their own Dreamatorium! We hope Abed is suing*. Quite why they even need a Dreamatorium is unclear. “Come play on our new VR game!” says evil coder, and when you see this room you’re thinking, “Wow, they’ve invented a holodeck!” Nope – Betty and Keira have to wear old-fashion VR helmets. So those squares are just a piece of freaky interior design.
(* With no apologies to anyone who doesn’t get this gag, because you really should be buying Community box-sets.)
New Olympic Sport Of The Week
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Misfits in training for Extreme Pissing competition…
Overenthusiastic Nipple Tweaking Of The Week
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Warehouse 13 ’s Pete Lattimer seems to be enjoying fondling this guys pecs just a little too much… especially when the world’s just about to end.
Bad Hair Day Of The Week
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True Blood ’s Pam with a dead poodle on her head.
In-Joke Of The Week
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(Well, okay “…of last week”, to be honest, but this was too good not to use.) The final ever episode of Eureka was full of sly little references to Syfy axing the show, and this was one of our favourites. It’s the DoD manifest requesting Global Dynamics to turn over all its assets to them. Note the CCs in the top right (click on the image for a larger version) are all prop or art department staff at Syfy.
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Hair-raising heels/rickety steps moment in Sinbad . Let’s hope there aren’t Bloopers from this scene on the DVD box-set – it could have been very nasty!
UK Remake Of Transformers Of The Week
Actually, it’s a piece of artwork created for the Olympics.
Here’s something a little different from the usual glut of Portal wedding cakes and My Little Pony / Doctor Who crossovers. They were created by Sam Bradbury, an artist from Falmouth, Cornwall. “I thought you might be interested in some of my recent art work,” he emails us. “Although I normally work with etching and sculptural work, I’ve also been working on some pretty strange looking comic book hero collages . Originally the idea was to show the level of detail and difference in the style of a single artist in a single comic issue but the more I began putting Superman together the more grotesque and deformed he became. I then took this as the new collage objective and began work on Spider-Man and Batman. I’m currently beginning work on the Hulk.” We honestly can’t wait!
Just Plain Disturbing Art Project Of The Week
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Bring back the M y Little Pony / Doctor Who crossovers quick! More of Joel Micah Harris’s frankly nightmarish creations here .
Crossover Of The Week
Portal (you knew it was coming) meets Grand Theft Auto .
Loads more Spurious Awards on the next page…
In-Car Entertainment System Of The Week
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Wouldn’t it be great if all this guy ever played was Classic FM? Just one of the many vehicles from the new Mad Max film posted on Ain’t It Cool News .
Mystifying Photofit Of The Week
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Recognise this man? Nope? We don’t blame you. It’s supposed to be Dracula. We’re not convinced. The Composites is a tumblr which uses police sketch software to recreate popular fictional characters. And while it’s no shock that he doesn’t look like Bela Lugosi, we’re not entirely convinced by The Composites’ work. Here’s the description in the book:
“A tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache… His face was a strong, a very strong, aquiline, with high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly arched nostrils , with lofty domed forehead…His eyebrows were very massive, almost meeting over the nose, and with bushy hair that seemed to curl in its own profusion . The mouth, so far as I could see it under the heavy moustache, was fixed and rather cruel-looking… For the rest, his ears were pale, and at the tops extremely pointed . The chin was broad and strong , and the cheeks firm though thin…The blue eyes transformed with fury.”
Right, okay, so where is exactly is the bushy, curly hair? The strong chin? The Chris Barrie nostrils? We not sure we’d put these guys in charge of a manhunt…
One-fifth sized Caped Crusader, fully articulated. Well, it’s got to be more articulate than Christian “growler” Bale’s version of Batman. Created by MMCCooey and there are loads more images here .
Doctor Who Menagerie Of The Week
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Ah, this week it’s not My Little Pony – it’s Fimo owls . The internet has fulfilled its purpose now. It can shut down.
Suddenly, in the middle of the premiere of Sky One’s cracking new adventure series Sinbad (Sundays, 7pm) we couldn’t believe our ears. Is the Providence really leaving port accompanied by the jingle from Who Wants To be A Millionaire ?
Fetish Of The Week
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Teen Wolf ’s Jackson is relieved to hear the hose pipe ban has been lifted.
Remake Of The Week
Here’s one for all of you who think that Harrison Ford is a little too wrinkly to play Indiana Jones these days.
Novelty Alarm Clock Of The Week
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Looks like Ruby in True Blood has put it on Snooze, though…
If only film trailers were this good. Imagine what The Dark Knight Rises trailer would have been like set to “These Boots Are Made For Walkin’”!
No Shit, Sherlock Of The Week
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It’s not just students at American universities who beggar belief by researching into the bleeding obvious. This week SFX received a press release from the University of Leicester proudly informing us, “Physics students have calculated that the superhero’s method of using his cape to glide from tall buildings – as seen in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins – would result in him hitting the ground at life-threateningly high speeds.” The paper, entitled Trajectory Of A Falling Batman was published in this year’s University of Leicester Journal of Special Physics Topics. What else was on offer? A paper on how being bitten by a radioactive spider is unlikely to give you super powers, because the spider would be dead?
The time-lapse creation of a stop-motion character. That’s almost poetry.
Nostalgia Of The Week
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A gorgeous tribute to those sci-fi heroes of the ’70s by Deviant Artist dusty-abell . “It has been one of the funnest things I’ve ever done,” he says. It was well worth it, we say. Click on the image for a larger version.
Potential Theme Park Attraction Of The Week
Opening tonight at the San Diego Comic-Con: a Walking Dead obstacle course, at $75 dollars a pop. The idea is simple: you run through an apocalyptic landscape complete with dead bodies, lots of blood, crashed cars and walkers hungry for your flesh. Every zombie will have special material on their undead hands to mark you with. At the end of the course you’ll get scanned by a blue light to see if you were “infected”. It’s genius. We want it installed at Blackpool Pleasure Beach now.
Crossover Of The Week
With Christopher Nolan wrapping his Batman trilogy, maybe this is the way forward for the next reboot?
More Spurious Awards on the next page…
Game Of Thrones Reinvention Of The Week 1
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Game Of Thrones map in Mario World style. [via Reddit ]
Game Of Thrones Reinvention Of The Week 1
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The Westeros American Football league by Noemi Twigg. Click on the image to see them in their original glory. [via forevergook ]
Fashion Disaster Of The Week
Well, it could have been this… (did they actually have to make a He-Man romper suit big enough for Jason, or does somewhere actually sell these things? We’ve heard of weirder fetishes…)
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But, to be honest, Jason kinda pulls it off. So instead the true fashion disaster is this…
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Converse and DC have produced some seriously cool Batman All-Stars over the years, but these are just hideous. It would make sense if the film was “family entertainment” and they were aimed at four-year-olds, but it’s not. Even Jason in his romper suit might baulk at these.
Vehicle Of The Week
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A Batman tumbler golf cart for when a superhero needs to swing into action. [via ]
That woman from Lost who turned up in the Fringe finale this week has mastered the Ian Somerhalder eye-rolling, for sure.
Proverb Of The Week
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“What’s the best way to get a friend to quit drinking? Tear his arms off.” Sage advice from a pair of gnarly old Blutbads in Grimm .
Fact Of The Week
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According to official figures, 27 babies in the USA in 2011 were named Khaleesi. Which sounds lovely when you hear it’s the word for Queen in one of the languages from Game Of Thrones . Not so lovely when you remember the sort of things said queens get up to.
Memorial Of The Week
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So sad to hear of the death of Maurice Sendak, but kudos to atist AarthanGuide for creating this brilliant peice in his memory.
Dream On Of The Week
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Although this is the creation of Deviant Artist daniel-morpheus , you can imagine just such an image features in the fevered dreams of DC/Warners execs, as they wake up in a sweat after watching the Avengers film, sobbing, “It should have been us!”
Advert Of The Week
Special Editions are all the rage in videogames nowadays, but give us a hilarious spoof promotional trailer over cheap-o night vision goggles any day.
Wee Little Puppet Man Of The Week
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Discover what the Doctor really got up to during the New York shoot with a visit to this site that redefines the meaning of cute. Alisa, we salute you.
Cringey Video Of The Week
It probably seemed like a good idea at the time…
Compilation Of The Week
Every time Abed has ever said cool in Community. Cool.
Mash-Up Of The Week
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You really need to see this in all its moving glory on this site . And to know Arrested Development …
Forget steroids. They’re condoning the use of gamma radiation now!
Guest Star Of The Week
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The stranger Awake gets, the better it gets, and the fewer viewers it gets as well, sadly. But how can you not love an episode guest-starring a penguin? Enjoy it while you can
Cover Version Of The Week
The song resurrected by Glee gets a blockbuster makeover. We’re waiting for someone to do one of these video edits for “Bohemian Rhapsody”. That could be an interesting challenge finding clips for, “Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the fandango?”
Action Figure Of The Week
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A Hunger Games Barbie doll?! Talk about an oxymoron. We can only imagine the expansion packs: a Skipper-style Rue doll with a removable spear in the stomach, and an inflatable Glimmer doll (just add water and see her swell up in grotesque disfigurement!). Children can play with Katniss much like the children in the Capitol played with wooden swords, imagining horrible ways in which the Tributes can kill each other.
Screen Test Of The Week
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Spot the dragon? We’re loving the care and attention the makers are putting into Game Of Thrones , some of which most of the audience isn’t even going to notice…
Makeover Of The Week
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Grimm makes the bold move to dump the cheap CG for creating its monsters and use cheap prosthetics instead. The results are just as convincing…
You wait ages for a decent beat-’em-up and then two come along at once. We like the Hitler-Versus-George-Washington-on-killer-dinosaurs one. And we love the Game Of Thrones one. But which is better? Oh, you know the drill…
More Spurious Awards on the next page…
Poster Campaign Of The Week
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Shiznit has decided to turn this year’s blockbusters into creature features. Shame they didn’t go with Hen In Black 3 , but we love Cattleship . More if you click the link…
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Musical Spoiler Of The Week
A searing indictment of the controversial ending to Mass Effect 3 . With rhyming couplets.
Super-Drawback Of The Week
Fantastic little animation with a punchline that makes you go, “Yeah… good point!”
If you can put up with the stupidly irritating music, this is a visually impressive animation, representing 20 different computer gaming worlds. Can you guess them all? Answers here .
Gotham Tourism Advert Of The Week
To be honest, this isn’t a particularly great parody, but we loved the post-credits extra scene.
Update Of The Week
With 12 million views already, this is one you’ve probably seen already. But it would be criminal not to give it a Spurious Award.