Nintendo of America has confirmed eight launch titles for the Wii U Virtual Console. Set to go live one day after this week’s planned system update, the classic games library will initially include Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Jr, Ice Climber and Excitebike. They will be joined by Kirby’s Adventure, F-Zero, Balloon Fight and Punch-Out!!, which have already been released as part of the Famicom 30th anniversary celebrations.
Nintendo has confirmed that the Wii U Virtual Console will allow users to play classic titles solely on the GamePad if they choose. During its Nintendo Direct conference last week, Nintendo also announced plans to bring 1995 RPG Earthbound to the Wii U Virtual Console.
As well as paving the way for the launch of the Virtual Console, this week’s Wii U system update will significantly reduce menu loading times and introduce the ability to download updates while you’re playing games or when your Wii U is switched off.