Superhero nemesis Tom Hiddleston might be gearing up to sell the upcoming Avengers movie, but he also has one eye on a returning role in Thor 2 , sequel to the movie which made him a star.
Sadly, he won’t be joined by director Kenneth Branagh, who has opted not to return to the director’s chair for a second outing. However, Hiddleston is confident that Marvel will have a contingency plan at the ready…
“You know, initially, I was sad that he wasn’t coming back,” he told Moviefone . “When I had heard that he had chosen not to come I was very sad because I’m so proud of his achievements in directing that film. But, then, I understand why. He’s very busy and he’s got other things that he wants to do as an artist. As a director and as an actor.”
“And Marvel is so clever,” he continues. “They know their own metal. They know how to do the comic book stuff. Car explosions and all the CGI and stuff, but they need someone who has a really great handle on story and actors and the muscularity of performance.”
And as for the constant rounds of publicity for The Avengers , Hiddleston is phlegmatic over what he describes as a nice problem to have.
“I’ve been in the opposite situation where you’ve worked really hard on something and nobody wants your signature and nobody wants a poster of you,” he says. “So, yeah, I should be so lucky!”
The Avengers is released in the UK on 27 April 2012.