Tag Archives: Genesis

How Its Done: Mining the madness in Mushroom 11

Fallout 4’s wasteland is addictive, almost intoxicating in its depth, but it’s also exhausting. Making settlements, battling ghouls, picking perks; don’t you just want to throw up your hands and say, “I need a simpler apocalyptic landscape! A place that makes me think but doesn’t take over my life.” Untame’s …

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Why I Love: being on fire in Alien Isolation

During my last playthrough of Alien Isolation, I was on fire for two full missions. I don’t mean I got through them quickly or managed to stay a step ahead of the Alien the whole time. I mean I was literally on fire, and so was all my stuff. My …

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The most inhumanly versatile voice actors in video games

Home on the range There was a time when video game voice acting could’ve conceivably doubled as torture. Simply slap a pair of headphones on your primary suspect and proceed to bang out a ‘best of the mid-’90s’ VO playlist. I’ll bet that by the time they reached Grandia, said …

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Top 7 side missions that are better than the main game

Side Story Gaiden Do you ever find yourself getting a little bit sidetracked in games? Some journey needs embarking on or some nefarious tyrant needs toppling, but you just can’t summon up the interest to slog through the grand ordeal. On the other hand, helping this dude you met on …

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14 custom characters that will haunt your dreams

Is that your face? More and more games give you the option to customize your character’s appearance, but you’re usually better off sticking with the pre-made suggestions. Sure, you could drop a few hours into tweaking sliders and prodding at palettes until you’ve made a perfect recreation of your (theoretical) …

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How much do you know about the video games of 2014?

What a year, ey? First contact with aliens, world peace, a cure for the common cold! Talk about a turbulent 12 months! Oh, right… reality. Well, there’s certainly been plenty to remember on the video gaming front. We’ve seen Sony and Microsoft both beginning to find their feet on the …

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RadioRadar podcast 119: Perchance to Dream

Your humble hosts are still recovering from a 24-hour gaming marathon, but they found the time to gab about GR+’s Game of the Year winners, as well annoying taunts, and the next Zelda and Uncharted sequels. Give a listen, why don’t ya? Hosts: Henry Gilbert, Lorenzo Veloria, Ashley Reed, Anthony …

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