Sims have sex 680,000 times a day in The Sims Social

It looks like everyone else plays The Sims like we play The Sims: treating it like a race to see how many Sims we can get into our beds (or hot tubs, or showers, or tents, or tree forts) as quickly as possible. Or, at least that’s how we read the infographic released today by EA about the Sims Facebook game: The Sims Social.

According to the document, which tracked every kiss, slap, flirt, and dance in the month of December, Sims “woohoo” 680,000 times a day, which is mighty impressive.

In fact, many of the other statistics listed make it sound like people are treating The Sims Social as a dating game, instead of a typical Sims game. The most common trait picked up? “Great Kisser.” Best-selling piece of furniture? Luxuriare Canopy Bed. Most common outfits? Black hoodie for men, and black PFNY dress for women. Alright, so maybe that last one isn’t related to Sims having sex, but whatever.

Other surprising stats are that 11 million dirty jokes have been told since the game came out, and 70 million players have confessed physical attraction to other Sims while playing the game. EA used that stat to point out that people are more open to expressing their feelings in the Sims, which makes sense considering it’s a videogame. We’re also much more open to shooting people in the face in Battlefield 3 than we are in real life, though we doubt EA will put that on an infographic. Thought so.

You can check out the full infographic below – see anything that shocks you?

About Fox

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