Red Dead Redemption walkthrough

Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption is a loving tribute to a bygone era, when a man was at home out on the range, and disputes were settled with a bullet. As lone gunman John Marston, you must traverse the sprawling plains to hunt down a band outlaws if you want to make it back home to your wife and son. With the wide open landscape of the American southwest for a backdrop, there are plenty of distractions and dangers to keep you from completing your mission. Thankfully, you’ve got us on your side, and we’ve completed this walkthrough to help you on your westward journey.

This walkthrough is a work in progress. Be sure to check back regularly and take a look at our other Red Dead Redemption guides. If you’ve picked up the Undead Nightmare DLC, check out our Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare mythical creatures guide.

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