The series of Saints Row: The Third Cherished Memories videos have been cute little non sequiturs of gameplay that hype the game in clever/short ways. After shooting people dressed as energy drinks (opens in new tab), participating in deadly game shows (opens in new tab) and playing baseball with a hot dog man (opens in new tab), today’s focuses on something more special: friendship. It’s about working together with a friend to accomplish something, which in this case means exploding a gang of Mexican wrestlers.
The above trailer not only showcases Saints Row’s co-op, but also all the fun you can have with sticky bombs should your online friend be self-sacrificing enough. And provided the gang a Luchadores stands still instead of piledriving you. Once all that’s done, the only natural response is to raise the roof. Saint’s Row: The Third hits retail November 15.
Oct 26, 2011