With a new trailer set to land in US cinemas this week, The Amazing Spider-Man director Marc Webb has been speaking about how his take on Spidey will differ from the Sam Raimi trilogy.
It’s really important for us to be able to communicate that this isn’t a remake of Sam Raimi’s movie,” says Webb to the annual Comic-Con magazine. “There’s a new territory, there’s a new villain, it’s a different Peter Parker.”
One of the key elements Webb has sought to bring to the forefront in his version, is Spidey’s keen sense of humour.
“We wanted that humour to come from a real place,” he says. “My aim was to create a world where you could feel all those emotions. There are certainly darker, more intense feelings in this movie. There is betrayal, there is tragedy, but there’s also humour and romance… There are moments of furiousness and gravity, absolutely. But are there moments of humour and levity and whimsy? Absolutely.”
“There’s a punk rock quality to Peter Parker that’s really irreverent and fun,” continues Webb, “and that’s something that Andrew embodies in a way that we haven’t seen before. Certainly the materials that have come out have a darker sentiment or there’s a darker projection, but we’re very keen on staying loyal to the humour of Spider-Man.”
The Amazing Spider-Man opens in the UK on 4 July 2012.