We’ve come a long way since the most exciting bit of TARDIS-shaped merch was a money box. This new speaker allows you to blast out Jon Pertwee’s “I Am The Doctor”, Murray Gold’s “Song For Ten” or Who Cares’ “Doctor In Distress” (okay, maybe not that…) from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
This isn’t some tacky novelty item, but something you can get regular use out of – particularly in a room without a decent stereo. We’re picturing audio dramas blasting out while you do the cooking.
The Bluetooth function works from a good 30 yards – we had no problem using a phone from the other end of the SFX office. It’s elementary to pair devices. You might jump when they do, as the speaker blasts out the materialisation sound effect. You can also connect to any device with a headphone output via a regular 3.5mm jack (supplied), and use it to charge something up via a USB slot.
The attention to detail should satisfy even the most pedantic Who fan, and the “wood grain” effect is a particularly neat touch. Most importantly, the sound quality is surprisingly good – we’re no audiophiles, but it seems pretty powerful and clear. You can also turn the bass up or down using the remote; should that slip through a crack in time, as remotes are wont to do, there are volume buttons on the reverse of the speaker.
Our only quibble? The price seems a little steep; it feels like you’re paying a premium to have your fanboy buttons pressed. Still, many will consider that it’s well worth it.
Ian Berriman twitter.com/ianberriman
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