Tag Archives: podcast

RadioRadar podcast 85: Trial by Conception

This week we talk about unrealistic games and spend way too long discussing medieval weapons. Want to know who on staff can apparently kill you with a nunchaku? Why did Ryan throw a stick at a kid? Your answers await. Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Lorenzo Veloria, Tom Magrino, Henry Gilbert, Ryan …

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RadioRadar podcast 016: Call the Hotline

(opens in new tab) The lack of major releases this week didn’t stop us from finding stuff to talk about! We go over some of the best indie games in recent memory, and discuss the biggest news of the week. This Week’s Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Henry Gilbert, Lucas Sullivan, and …

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RadioRadar podcast 015 – Turkey Tiime

(opens in new tab) It’s a short week for us and we’re sort of burnt out from reviewing like two-dozen Wii U games so it’s a short week, but we still stumbled into the podcast room to record a new episode! This Week’s Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Henry Gilbert, Tom Magrino …

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Stupendous! Its the GamesRadar UK Podcast Question Box

The GamesRadar UK Question Box™ is no mere empty receptacle. Nay, it is a vertiable six-sided portal to audio delights and digitally downloaded dreams. ie. If you put your questions in it we will try to answer them in the next GamesRadar UK podcast, and that will be all exciting …

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Box Score: The Podcast 006 Parts 1 and 2

In our sixth episode of Box Score, we have a special two-parter for our huge racing game retrospective! In the first part, Richard Grisham talks to former games journalist, current game developer, and racing game expert Greg Sewart about the history of racing games. Sewart comes by his expertise honestly, …

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GamesRadar UK Podcast 001 – Back Again

(opens in new tab) Bloody hell, it’s been a while. We sincerely hope that nobody was holding their breath waiting for the successor to TalkRadar UK (RIP) because no doubt their stupidity has placed them in the ground as worm food. If you did and you’re still reading this, then …

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