Tag Archives: Bioware

BioWare says no Shepard in Mass Effect 4

BioWare has been pretty forthcoming about the sci-fi RPG shooter series not ending with Mass Effect 3, but has been cagey on any other details. Now we know we’re in for a whole new context and characters in the next game thanks to an interview with VG247. “There is one …

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Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker anime shines in production trailer

You’d be forgiven for knowing very little about this Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker anime. Unlike the live-action Dragon Age: Redemption, this slickly-produced CGI feature has maintained a fairly low profile. That may change after this behind-the-scenes production trailer starts making the rounds: Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker …

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Star Wars: The Old Republic review diary, level 30-45

For the past few weeks we’ve been bringing you bite-sized pieces of our Star Wars: The Old Republic review, giving you an inside look into our thoughts on the game as we experienced it. First, we chronicled our early-game experiences through the first 15 levels , followed by the middle …

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Bioware: Mass Effect 3 is the end of Shepard, but not the series

In comics, the wisdom among those in the know has long been: “no one stays dead (except Uncle Ben).” We might modify that rule to suit videogames: “every series continues (except Shenmue).” As we’ve seen from Halo’s Reclaimer Trilogy, it doesn’t matter how conclusive your series-ending epic seems: there’s always …

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