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Flat Stanley movie on the way

With Harry Potter having hung up his Quidditch robes for good, Hollywood is currently on the prowl for the next children’s story to swell their coffers with the family shilling. So have Walden Media stolen a march on everyone by optioning the heir to the boy wizard’s throne? Well, probably …

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Henry Cavill talks British actors storming Hollywood

Total Film has spoken exclusively to man of the moment, Henry Cavill about why British actors suddenly seem to be taking over Hollywood. The Man of Steel star says that it’s just down to a mix of good timing and the sheer quality of our home-grown talent. “I think maybe …

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Emma Stone talks The Amazing Spider-Man

Emma Stone’s star is on the rise. Having quietly made a name for herself in slacker comedies Superbad and Zombieland , a winning turn in indie gem Easy A established her as a bona fide leading lady. Now it seems the big time is calling, with leading roles in The …

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Prey 2 CGI trailer gets play-by-play developer commentary

Bethesda has re-released its spiffy Prey 2 cgi trailer with added developer commentary, answering the age old question of how cool it would be to have director Chris Rhinehart talk all over Johnny Cash’s hypnotic vocals. The result is ‘not very’, but at least this version gives us more info …

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Ryan Gosling talks about creating his own superhero in Drive

Total Film recently had a chat with Ryan Gosling, and we naturally took advantage of the opportunity to grill him about his new movie Drive . The film, directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, revved Cannes audiences into a frenzy when it was shown there this summer. Gosling’s taciturn character, ‘Driver’, …

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