Skyrim mod replaces dragons with Macho Man Randy Savage

The late, great “Macho Man” Randy Savage is worthy of a kickass tribute after his death last May. Which is why some bright spark (opens in new tab) on the internet has taken the time to put him in Skyrim. But not just as a boring NPC or even as the player-controlled character. No, instead he’s been turned into a dragon – and given a starring role in the game’s opening sequence. It’s not quite how we would have remembered the famous showman, but each to their own, eh?

We like the way the dragon’s shout has been replaced with “YEAH!!!”. And how it looks almost like the tower wall smash was actually written to include that famous face and shades. But most of all we love how the untouched NPC dialogue still fits the action perfectly: A mixture of disbelief, horror and gut-wrenching fear. Pretty much all of the feelings we have when we watch this video.

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