Civilization V is essentially a game about creating your own planet. Or rather, attempting to mold a planet to your whims while butting heads with major personalities from Earth’s history. With that in mind, this latest trailer (a rather long five minute interview style affair) was pretty fascinating. It reminds us how awesome it is that Firaxis is consistently able to translate historical personalities (and even entire cultures) into gameplay abilities.
It’s always shocking how well a game of Civ V generally ends up mirroring the real history of the world. Obviously, it’s never exact by any stretch of the imagination, but often you’ll see personalities interacting as they might have in the real world, and seeing inventions arise at about the same time they did on Earth. It’s a fantastically well-honed game and we can’t wait to see what they’ve got in store for the expansion.
We’re definitely looking forward to getting our hands on Gods and Kings when it launches in a few days on June 19.