Meet The Rejects, a teen superteam in the vein of classic Marvel and DC heroes

The Rejects #1 is now on sale digitally from InterPop, and we’ve got a preview of interior pages to whet your whistle as you head to your preferred digital storefront to snag a download of the title. 

The Rejects #1 page

(Image credit: InterPop)

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Written by comic book veteran of many hats Alex Segura and Chantelle Aimée Osman with art from Adrián Gutiérrez, The Rejects is about a group of young heroes with extraordinary powers trying to fit in with their world while also exploring their powers and their relationships with their fellow heroes.

If that sounds a bit like a classic X-Men comic to you, that’s not a coincidence, as co-writer Segura states that’s one of his own primary influences for The Rejects.

“The Rejects sprung out of my love for classic teen superhero books that are also loaded with great character conflict and a sense of being ‘outside’ the norm – like Claremont’s X-Men or the classic Doom Patrol. I wanted to bring an element of that to the Emergents Universe,” explains Segura. 

“I’m so thankful I’ve been able to partner with my super-talented friend, Chantelle, who’s added so much to this book and really made it stand out,” he continues. “It’s all been brought to visual life by Adrián Gutiérrez and Wil Quintana on the art side, giving the look of the series its own unique and memorable style. I hope people enjoy it! We’re having a blast.”

Here’s a preview of interior pages, as well as covers from Adrián Gutiérrez and Wil Quintana, John Amor, and Lynn Yoshii:

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(Image credit: InterPop)

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Co-writer Chantelle Aimée Osman agrees with the comparison to other teen heroes, and opens up about working on The Rejects as her comic book writing debut.

“Working on The Rejects is such a unique opportunity. Not only do I get to play in a really cool sandbox thanks to Alex Segura – and learn from his great talent – not to mention InterPop, but we get to explore new characters and this team’s dynamics,” she states. 

“For a newbie like me, it’s kind of like being thrown in the deep end but in the absolute best way possible – there are piña coladas and unicorn-shaped floats where I landed.”

Check out the best non-Marvel, non-DC superhero universes ever.

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