Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon DLC out now

In case you haven’t seen all the Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon blanketing the site, I dug the game somethin’ fierce. That “10 out of 10” quote, may be a bit out of context, but I’ll happily stand by it… even thoughwe actually gave it an 8 (opens in new tab). What kept it from greatness, you ask?! Well, for one, it succeeds mostly because doesn’t set out to do that much. More importantly, while the game is fundamentally rock solid, there’s not a whole lot to do beyond the repetitious insecticide.

Above: I shouldn’t have to tell you this is awesome

And that’s still largely the case, but speaking as someone who’s still routinely firing up Survival Mode, I’m excited that EDF: IA is getting its DLC upgrades on today. Both the Pounds of Pain! And Death from Above! packs offer up drastically enhanced weaponry for my favorite two classes, Jet and Battle Armor.Better still, the DLC bundles are priced relative to the disc’s low launch price.

THREE DOLLARS! That’s all it takes to flood your inventory with a more powerful payload of ridiculously titled weaponry. Hey, it may not be new gameplay, but it’ll at least extend the funa bit and won’t break the bank. EDF! EDF! EDF!


Aug 9, 2011

About Fox

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