Dreams Audio Importer lets you upload your own sound effects, instruments, and more

Dreams now has an audio importer for bringing outside sounds into the game – without having to hold the source up to your headset or PlayStation Camera.

The Dreams Audio Importer went live in update v2.22 (opens in new tab) today, giving creators a powerful new tool for making their own sounds outside of the game then bringing them in to use as in-game assets. Dreams actually supported limited audio uploads back in beta, but Media Molecule disabled the service before release so it could work on some substantial revisions for it.

The new Dreams Audio Importer is a web page you can access from your browser (opens in new tab), and it’s currently open to use for all creators of Dreams level 30 or higher. You can only upload a set number of uploads of a certain length per day, though those limits will be increased along with your Dreams level – up to a maximum clip length of 30 seconds and 150 daily uploads at level 120.

With the ability to bring outside resources directly into the game come new concerns for intellectual property rights, and Media Molecule has started things off with the following firm restrictions of what the Audio Importer is not for.

  • Importing tracks that come from outside Dreams – even tiny sections.
  • Importing voices that have been recorded from other media.
  • Importing instrument samples that come from software or sample libraries.
  • Anything which refers to any third parties or brands in a derogatory way. 
  • Importing any audio which is not your original creation.

Media Molecule also warns that “Dreams isn’t so great with long audio files,” and they’ll fill up your creations’ thermometers quickly. If you use a lot of audio files in one creation it may even make the whole thing slower to load and play.

Bear with us, but this Dreams developer has created what may be the best virtual carpet we’ve ever seen.

About Fox

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