Doctor Who 7 .07 “The Rings Of Akhaten” spoiler-free preview.
Click here for a gallery of images from the episode (minor spoilers)
The Doctor is a fan of The Bash Street Kids .
The maple leaf from Clara’s “101 Places To See” book is very important.
Clara once wanted to be Bryan Robson.
The Doctor is a stalker.
2005 was a hard year for Clara.
Time is not made of strawberries.
The Doctor’s been to this alien world before – and he had his granddaughter for company.
The vast number of different alien species on display suggests that Luke Skywalker might have been there too.
Not all of the aliens are new to Doctor Who .
The locals use an unconventional form of currency.
Riding a motorcycle in “The Bells Of St John” has given the Doctor a taste for bikes.
The Doctor has a Professor Brian Cox-style cosmology moment.
And briefly acts like he’s in Indiana Jones.
Some of the creature design could have walked out of a Guillermo del Toro movie.
Looking for good scones? You should go to the Lake District c1927.
Beware the alarm clock!
Never underestimate the power of a good sing-song.
“The Rings Of Akhaten” airs on BBC One this Saturday at 6.15pm.
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