Amnesia: Rebirth is a new horror game set in the same world as The Dark Descent

Amnesia: Rebirth is coming this fall to PC and PS4, and it’s exactly what the name sounds like: a new beginning for the series that helped reinvent horror games.

Developer Frictional Games (which also made Soma (opens in new tab)) has been teasing the announcement (opens in new tab) in recent weeks with a series of creepy videos and even some coded email messages. Today it pulled back the curtain on Amnesia: Rebirth with a reveal trailer. A synopsis posted to its official website (opens in new tab) confirms that the game will be set in the same world as Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

“Amnesia: Rebirth is a new descent into darkness in the iconic Amnesia series. Set in the desolate landscape of the Algerian desert, the game will focus on new character Tasi Trianon as she sets out on a harrowing journey through devastation and despair, personal terror and pain, while exploring the limits of human resilience.”

Frictional Games creative director Thomas Grip said in a post on the PlayStation Blog (opens in new tab) that Rebirth will build on what Frictional learned in making the first game while telling its own story. Grip says Rebirth will twist players’ expectations, refine established features, and generally “up the ante on everything you’ve seen from us.”

The game is meant to be more emotionally harrowing than The Dark Descent, and also less predictable. It’s going to require some fresh thinking for the series that helped define modern horror games.

“When Amnesia: The Dark Descent came out, we loved to hear the player feedback that said people couldn’t get through the game because they were too scared to continue,” Grip explained. “But, these days, simple horror isn’t enough. We want to take you beyond horror and out the other side – and see whether you’ll stand the weight of what we put you through.

While you wait for Amnesia: Rebirth to arrive this fall, scare the hell out of yourself with some picks from our guide to the best horror games (opens in new tab).

About Fox

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