Tag Archives: Genesis

When did something being free become a bad thing?

It’s a comment I’ve seen countless times, in numerous iterations. “‘It’s free-to-play’ And there goes my interest.” And every time I read it, I’m perplexed by the unwillingness to acknowledge the stark reality of the free-to-play market. F2P games have to try even harder to make sure you have a …

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10 lovable thieves that stole our hearts

A version of this article originally posted in February of 2013. Robbin’ hoods It’s weird how many of gaming’s biggest stars are thieves, isn’t it? Yeah, we said it–thieves. Crooks. Bandits. Prowlers. Pickpockets. Dirty. Stinking. Thieves. Some are deadly. Some are deceitful. Some are… lovable? The release of Eidos’ Thief …

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The Top 7… Games where you meet the President

Hail to the (Commander in) Chief Know what? There are a surprising number of video games out there where you run into the President of the United States. Sometimes theyre totally fictional constructs of that world (I’m looking at you, Hideo Kojima) and sometimes theyre the real deal. And then …

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Nintendo Fusion: Believable prototype, or outlandish rumor?

Don’t believe the hype, as rapper Flava Flav once cautioned America. In this case, the “hype” I’m referring to is any rumor and/or leak about the next console coming from Nintendo. Everyone in the gaming press is aware of Nintendo’s current unprofitability, thanks to poor sales of the Wii U. …

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The best crowds in video games

Sports games are a crowded market It’s pretty inconsiderate of people, really, to flock to sports events and the like in such voluminous numbers. As a result, poor video game developers have had to spend the past two decades trying to do crowds right. One person on-screen? Easy. Ten people? …

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Interoffice Rivalries – Ask GamesRadar

Hello, dear readers! GamesRadar has an awesome community and we love hearing from you. We love it so much, in fact, that we created a show just for you! Our Community Manager Greg Henninger is going to sit down every week and answer your burning questions. This week’s questions come …

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