Tag Archives: Genesis

11 weird-ass sports games

Welcome to the JAM I like sports. Correction: I like the idea of sports. But my complete inability to heft any kind of sports ball and send it where it needs to go is legendary among my friends, and mainstream sports coverage is way too sensational for my tastes. I …

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9 single-player games that got crazy multiplayer mods

Oh, you brought guests Everything is better with friends–drinking, travelling, starting a cult, but mostly gaming. Of course, not every game is meant to be played with others. Titles like BioShock Infinite and Resident Evil 4 are great single-player experiences because they were designed that way. But what happens when …

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The first screens of historys 51 most iconic games

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step They say that in life you should never forget where you came from. That’s true in video games too, albeit for different reasons. While the former case is an adage about keeping oneself grounded and focused on personal development, …

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Top 7… Most annoying phone calls in games

It’s for you… Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring. Ah the noise of the insistent phone. Impossible to ignore, often inconvenient to answer: especially in video games. Yes, when youre knee-deep in killer Nazi robot badgers, youre sneaking up behind your target after hours of careful infiltration, or youre just …

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Top 7 Strangest crossovers fans never expected

An unexpected gift Every now and then, we enjoy a good crossover that pairs up two unconnected properties into a single masterpiece. An X-Wing Transformer? Awesome. Optimus Prime teaming up with G.I. Joe to obliterate evil? Yeah, I can get behind that. An Angry Birds meets Transformers mashup? Wait, what? …

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Top 7… Greatest uses of time control in gaming

Flat circles and whatnot Time travel is as awesome as it is confusing. The ability to slow down, speed up, or halt the passage of time has always been a power fantasy for humankind–but in video games, it’s actually possible. Of course, when you can control the flow of the …

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RadioRadar podcast 88: Too many impressions

This week’s a long and rambling one, but it’s worth listening to if you’re a fan of the goings-ons in the world of RadioRadar. One regular will be gone for a few weeks, and we might be gaining a new one. What are we talking about? Listen to find out! …

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RadioRadar podcast 85: Trial by Conception

This week we talk about unrealistic games and spend way too long discussing medieval weapons. Want to know who on staff can apparently kill you with a nunchaku? Why did Ryan throw a stick at a kid? Your answers await. Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Lorenzo Veloria, Tom Magrino, Henry Gilbert, Ryan …

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