Aaron Taylor-Johnson on wanting to push the boundaries with Quicksilver

We recently sat down with Kick-Ass 2 star Aaron Taylor-Johnson to put your social media questions to him.

Look out for the full interview coming very soon, but for now, here’s an extract of what he had to say about the possibility of playing Quicksilver in Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age Of Ultron .

While Taylor-Johnson was keen to point out his that he was still in talks and had not officially, signed on for the role, he has clearly been doing his research: “There’s years – over 50 years – of backstory on him all there to use, and I like doing that. Him and his sister [ Scarlet Witch ] have been abandoned by their parents and their father, and they grew up in Eastern Europe defending and looking out for themselves and each other.

“His sister really is his guidance – emotionally she’s the one who looks after him, and vice versa. He’s very overprotective physically – he doesn’t want anyone touching her.”

On the appeal of the character, he told us: “He has real anger frustration – I like that. I always thought it’d be quite funny if you saw him eating loads and people asked him why and he’d explain it’s because he’s burning so much energy all the time. Or ideas that you’d see him come back round – but he’s already nipped out and got his lunch somewhere else. He just got bored – his attention span is so fucking quick.”

He also spoke about the physical transformation that the role would require, and admitted that he’s keen to go for an ‘out there’ performance in the vein of some of his Kick-Ass co-stars:

“That’s what we’re in talks about really, right now – how I could become that character and not feel forced. I might not look right with white hair, and the accent may be wrong… it just doesn’t work like that.

“It’s about – unless you’re Jim Carrey or Nic Cage and go ‘This is the character’, people go ‘OK, OK…’

“When people haven’t been shown your range like that, then they’re a bit more skeptical – they may not want you to push the boundaries in that way. But that’s what I’m interested in as an actor…”

For much more from Aaron Taylor-Johnson, look out for the full interview coming soon…

Kick-Ass 2 opens in the UK on 14 August 2013. The Avengers 2 opens summer 2015.

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