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There’ll be a new Doctor in Doctor Who at Christmas. Doctor 12. It could be a man. It could be a woman. It could be a sentient pickled egg for all we know. Everyone and their wife has been wading in with suggestions for who’d be a great Doctor. But who would make a terrible Doctor? Whose name do you dread being announced?
We threw this question to our Facebook followers and they came up with a list of suggestions. We restricted it to people who could feasibly be given the part – actors, performers, ex-pop stars with multi-media ambitions – rather than accepting votes for the likes of Boris Johnson, David Cameron or Bernie Ecclestone (who would all be terrible, sure, but they also wouldn’t ever be in the frame, or anywhere within intercontinental missile range of the frame).
So here we give you the Top 20, crafted from the names that were suggested the most, or “liked”* the most (*not that “liked” is a particularly apt word, but that’s the way Facebook works) or just made us go, “Ewwwwwww, noooooooooo! ” when we read them.
So now, let’s find out who you think would indeed make the worst twelfth Doctor. Get voting!
We’ll reveal the results next Friday.