The Star Wars 1313 dev team at LucasArts was also working on a reboot for Star Wars Battlefront. Below, you can see a tweet from author and consultant Celia Hodent, who spoke out earlier this week about the canceled Star Wars 1313 game that never saw the light of day. …
Read More »Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim trailer sets up DLC and free update
Star Wars Battlefront (opens in new tab) will get a free update for all players, as well as the paid Outer Rim DLC, later this month. Electronic Arts and DICE published a new trailer for the downloadable expansion that introduces its four new maps set in Jabba’s Palace and a …
Read More »John Boyegas asking EA for a “full on story mode” in Star Wars Battlefront
We always knew the Star War’s cast were exceptionally cool people (opens in new tab), now it looks like one of them is using that power for the good of all. John Boyega, who plays ex-Stormtrooper Finn, has been outright asking EA to add a story mode to Star Wars …
Read More »This Battlefront ewok kill might not be real, but the games designer approves
Star Wars Battlefront (opens in new tab) is packed with easter eggs and references to the original trilogy, but none so irksome as the walking teddy bears known as ewoks. Players have tried all sorts of methods to exterminate these little furballs, with no success. But just because something’s impossible …
Read More »How to dominate every mode in Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars Battlefront (opens in new tab) features no less than 12 different game modes, with each presenting its own unique challenges for budding Jedis and Stormtroopers alike. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the variety of game types on offer, so we’ve put together some top tips …
Read More »Star Wars Battlefront review
I’m on Endor. As I push through the foliage, red and green blaster fire erupts around me, and some Rebel scum zooms past on a stolen speeder bike, taking pot-shots at my squad mates. An AT-ST struts alongside me, trampling trees and unleashing a stream of fire that reduces the …
Read More »Star Wars Battlefront review
I’m on Endor. As I push through the foliage, red and green blaster fire erupts around me, and some Rebel scum zooms past on a stolen speeder bike, taking pot-shots at my squad mates. An AT-ST struts alongside me, trampling trees and unleashing a stream of fire that reduces the …
Read More »Meet Star Wars Battlefronts playable aliens
Fight hard enough in Star Wars Battlefront (opens in new tab) and you can emerge from your human-shaped cocoon as a beautiful Ishi Tib. A video posted to the PlayStation Twitter account shows some of the many unlockable customization options in Star Wars Battlefront, giving you a quick census of …
Read More »DICE explains why Star Wars Battlefront is nothing like Battlefield because its a tomato. Or something
What makes a great online multiplayer ‘great’? What’s that secret sauce that taps into that part of us emphatically needs to play ‘just one more’ round or match? We’d argue a bit part of that is focusing less on roadblocks and more on rewards, but for Swedish studio DICE and …
Read More »Is Star Wars Battlefronts simplicity its greatest strength or biggest flaw?
I’d call DICE’s Star Wars: Battlefront an elegant FPS from a more civilised age, but the other day I flew a TIE Interceptor smack bang into an AT-AT walker, guiding it home with the gleeful abandon of a labrador jumping into a pile of leaves. Respawning near my partner, I …
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