Tag Archives: Resident Evil 6

The Top 7… Games where you meet the President

Hail to the (Commander in) Chief Know what? There are a surprising number of video games out there where you run into the President of the United States. Sometimes theyre totally fictional constructs of that world (I’m looking at you, Hideo Kojima) and sometimes theyre the real deal. And then …

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The Games of March 2013

This is it. The motherload. With nearly 40 new games on the way, March is easily the busiest release month of 2013 so far. And considering it includes new God of War, BioShock, Tomb Raider, and Gears of War entries, it could also be the most important month of the …

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Resident Evil 6 review

Resident Evil’s enemies have evolved in parallel to the series’ pacing: They started off slow, shambling, and scary with the first three before breaking into an all-out run by the fourth and fifth. Resident Evil 6 typical enemies, called J’avo, grow tentacle arms, claw hands, and massive moth wings mid-battle …

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Resident Evil 6 lets you play as the zombies

Capcomannounced (opens in new tab)today that Resident Evil 6 will introduce a new mode into the series that will turn the tables on the traditional Resident Evil theme of sexy-people-kill-ugly-undead. Now you’ll get to take control of a zombie and enter into other players’ games to try to take them …

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