Tag Archives: Other Games/Compilations

Hearthstone review

I was in middle school when I got my first deck of Magic: The Gathering cards. Whether I was playing pick-up games at school or trading cards with friends at the local game store, there was a period of my life where my every waking thought was consumed with tapping …

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Gamings biggest F MY LIFE! moments

Woe is us What is best in life? That depends, really–but were certain we know, and have lived through, the worst that life has to offer. OK, so were not impoverished, nor are we ritualistically tortured on a daily basis. In fact, come to think of it, weve got things …

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Orgarhythm review

Rhythm and strategy games may not seem like the likeliest of bedfellows, but that didn’t stop developer Acquire from combining the two for its latest Vita effort, Orgarhythm. What’s even more surprising than this pairing is the fact that it largely works, taking the gameplay of an RTS and tempering …

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Rez, Child of Eden creator steps back from games development

Rez and Child of Eden creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi is no longer producing games. Q Entertainment, which Mizuguchi co-founded in 2003, told Eurogamer that he is becoming more of a spokesperson for the company since leaving active production. Mizuguchi’s last game was Child of Eden, a musical shooter which was well-received …

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Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy review

The rhythm genre is so firmly established in gaming that it’s strange how few music games exist that pay tribute to game music. Most franchises in gaming history probably couldn’t support their own rhythm game, but Final Fantasy is one of the few that could spawn its own music title …

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Mario Party 9 review

For a good number of gamers, the Mario Party series often elicits two wildly different reactions. Some fondly remember hours spent with friends huddled around a console — be it a Nintendo 64 or a GameCube — while wildly spinning an analog stick and harshly teasing one another. Others remember …

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Mario Party 9 trailer steers into new territory

Mario and his mascot posse are returning to the Wii for another round of minigame chaos, this time bearing new Captain Events, Boss minigames, and even more ways to screw over your friends for stars. See how the games are shaping up in Nintendo’s latest trailer: Mario Party 9 will …

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The Top 7 Greatest gaming rebirths

Some videogame series are constant. In the years since they were introduced, they’ve always been around, dropping a sequel every few years and rarely, if ever, breaking continuity; your Marios and your Zeldas, your Sonics and your Ratchets. This article isn’t about them. It’s about game franchises that disappeared, maybe …

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Just Dance 3 Kinect hands-on preview

From a dancer’s perspective, the Just Dance series has always been the Jersey Shore of dancing games: wildly popular, flashy and easy to understand, but very little in the way of substance. Restricted by the Wii’s single-input method of motion control, you could generally flail around the room and still …

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