Tag Archives: Heavy Rain

Why I Love: the finger-chopping scene in Heavy Rain

“How far would you go to save the one you love?” asked Heavy Rain (opens in new tab) creator David Cage – repeatedly – during the promotion of the game’s PS3 release. Personally, I never knew the answer to that question. When Heavy Rain appeared on PS3 back in 2010, …

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Does gaming sweep mental health issues under the rug?

The games industry is locked in the throes of renaissance. It’s frequently challenging norms with a push for equal representation. It’s daring artists and players to dream bigger than the clichés which dominate worldwide charts. Despite intense resistance, it’s a war being won inch by inch. However, the battle for …

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Gamings biggest F MY LIFE! moments

Woe is us What is best in life? That depends, really–but were certain we know, and have lived through, the worst that life has to offer. OK, so were not impoverished, nor are we ritualistically tortured on a daily basis. In fact, come to think of it, weve got things …

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