Tag Archives: enhanced-review

Trials Evolution review

In an early level of Trials Evolution called Ridinghood, we gleefully rode through a lightning fast level, ramping off ancient ruins with a blood red sky in the background, featuring a moon that’s easily ten times too large. When we ramped across the finish line, our rider floated off the …

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The Hunger Games review

Is it the new Twilight ? Is it faithful to the book? How violent is it? What’s up with Woody Harrelson’s hair? No, yes, pretty violent and Lord only knows. Now we’ve got the big questions out the way, a quick catch-up for those wondering if The Hunger Games is …

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Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol review

Four is the magic number in the latest Mission: Impossible , and not just because it’s the fourth instalment in Tom Cruise’s Bond-aping spy franchise. No, it’s also the number of protagonists in Brad Bird’s zippy caper, the Pixar dude having taken a cue from his own Incredibles in assigning …

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Assassins Creed Revelations review

When it became clear last year that Assassin’s Creed was going to be a yearly franchise, fans reacted with equal parts excitement and unease. Assassin’s Creed games are sprawling, open-world epics that follow a history-spanning, conspiracy-laden plot about acrobatic killers; is it really possible to do all of that justice …

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The Greatest Movie Ever Sold review

Having saved us from the evils of fast food (Super Size Me), Morgan Spurlock wants to purge the world of product placement. How? By making a doc both about – and enabled by – selling out, in this case to the14 “Brand Partners” who funded the film. But is anyone …

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Forza Motorsport 4 review

When Forza arrived in 2005, it was the plucky young upstart, challenging the golden god that was Gran Turismo. Microsoft putting their brand new racing sim up against the biggest of the big was a bold move, but In a short four years Forza has established itself as the best …

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Hard Reset review

It takes less than ten seconds for Hard Reset to define the kind of shooter it truly is. There is no crouching, no cover, and no reloading. It has exactly two guns; one of ’em is an energy gun that shoots lightning-lasers, and the other is a rifle whose targeting …

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The Hedgehog review

Based on Muriel Barbery’s novel, writer/director Mona Achache’s debut has a modern-day fairytale feel. Ignored by her rich parents, precocious 11-year-old Paloma (Garance Le Guillermic) decides to end it all on her 12th birthday. But she’s drawn into the lives of the secretly bookish concierge (Josiane Balasko, the metaphorical hedgehog …

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Self Made review

Like The Arbor, this absorbing debut from Brit artist-turned-director Gillian Wearing skilfully smudges the boundaries between documentary and fiction. Seven diverse volunteers attend Method acting workshops run by tutor Sam Rumbelow, where they’re encouraged to draw on personal experiences to create fictional alter egos. These characters then become the subjects …

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