Tag Archives: big question

What video game creature do you want as an IRL pet?

Pets are great, and right now having a furry friend in the house with you makes quarantine a little easier. But what about having a pet from one of your favorite video games? Would you want your own ‘Mon to bring around everywhere, or a pet that can help make …

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How do you think The Last of Us 2 will end?

The Last of Us (opens in new tab) is widely considered to have one of the most perfect video game endings of all time, so how the hell is Naughty Dog going to a) follow on from the perfect closure of that denouement and b) somehow top it with its …

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What is Death Stranding actually about?

This week we got another glimpse of Death Stranding (opens in new tab) thanks to new footage from Gamescom 2019 (opens in new tab), and honestly it raised more questions than it answered. Not least about why Norman Reedus’ character can grow mushrooms with his winky. Determined to figure out …

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Whats your favorite Game of Thrones memory?

I still haven’t accepted it, but Sunday’s Game of Thrones season 8 (opens in new tab) finale marks the end of a decade of swords, sex and Samwell Tarley. In an act of tribute and remembrance we asked the GamesRadar+ team, even the ones who don’t watch the show, to …

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