Boba Fett is a flying death machine in Star Wars Battlefront

Boba Fett has a little bit of an advantage over the other infantry in Star Wars Battlefront (opens in new tab): he can fly. Generic troopers can zip around the map if they equip jump packs, sure, but Boba Fett can just hang around up there and rain death at will. Until his fuel runs out, anyway.

According to the Boba Fett rundown on the official site (opens in new tab), Boba Fett’s jetpack only got a limited fuel gauge when DICE realized how much of an advantage unlimited flight gave him over the other characters, heroes and villains (opens in new tab) included. Now he has to touch down occasionally to recharge, meaning he’d better save some of his arsenal to stay alive while stranded on the ground.

“One of the things I enjoy watching is seeing people chain attacks together and using the systems to their best,” DICE senior producer Jamie Keen said in the rundown. “Managing cooldowns is part of it, too. We’ve seen players coming up with tactics that we haven’t thought about, and that is truly awesome.”

Boba Fett comes standard with an EE-3 Carbine Rifle, a rocket launcher on one wrist, and a flamethrower on the other. In other words, he’s deadly at just about any range, if you manage his abilities correctly. That should make him particularly useful in Battlefront’s huge Supremacy mode (opens in new tab).

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