Stadia is back up after the Google outage

Google Stadia appears to be back online after being down for around an hour earlier. 

A Google outage took place earlier today, with issues across the majority of the tech giant’s services. As well as wondering whether YouTube was down, users were unable to access important remote working tools like Gmail and Google Meet. But those not at work were also affected, as Google Stadia was unavailable during the downtime.

While the Stadia Twitter account didn’t comment on the outage, the streaming service’s subreddit (opens in new tab) was awash with players wondering why their games had stopped working, with many reporting that they were receiving a 500 Internal Server Error, which means that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. With Google’s servers down, it’s no surprise that Stadia couldn’t make a connection.

It looks like Google’s services are now coming back online, as Stadia users are starting to report that they’re able to get access once again, suggesting that the downtime lasted for less than an hour. Given the high-profile release of Cyberpunk 2077 on the platform recently, however, this is a timely reminder about a significant downside of digital game ownership – if the servers are down, you simply won’t be able to play, even if you’re currently working through a single-player experience.

Stadia has been picking up more and more big games recently. As well as Cyberpunk 2077, it’s received some of Ubisoft’s recent major releases, as well as titles from EA, Activision, and Take-Two. 

If you’re looking for a definitive list, here are all the Google Stadia games that you can play right now.

About Fox

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