Next-gen development is officially happening at Just Cause studio

A tweet from the founder of Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios seems to confirm the Sweden-based team is now working exclusively on projects solely for next-generation consoles (and PC, natch).

Avalanche boss Christofer Sundberg tweeted last week ‘We’re shipping ‘em back. Going next-gen on your asses’, along with the following pic of 360 and PS3 development units presumably in the process of being packed up, ready for permanent retirement:

It was announced last November that Avalanche was working on something codenamed ‘Project Mamba’ – a triple-A title for PC and console, and with a projected 2014 release, but no more details have been offered since.

Earlier this year, Square Enix registered domains for Just Cause 3 and 4, prompting rumours that work was underway at Avalanche on a new title for the Just Cause series (and prompting us to write a ‘What we want to see in Just Cause 3’ feature.

About Fox

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