A tongue-in-cheek, viral-style TV spot has aired for Pixar’s next big screen outing, fuzzy follow-up Monsters University .
Inspired by the soft-focus ads that we’ve all seen for higher education, the TV spot invites you to sign up for Monsters University, where you can be unique “in a family of thousands”.
Though, presumably, there’s only one thing on the syllabus: scaring valuable screams out of innocent little children.
Check out the TV spot below…
Alright, it doesn’t really give us much of an idea about the film itself, and Mike and Sully are conspicuous by their absence.
But as a taster of what’s to come, this TV spot’s as on-the-nose as anything Pixar has done.
Frankly, who wouldn’t want to study at MU? We’re scouring the internet for an application form as we speak…
Monsters University opens on 12 July 2013.