New Donkey Kong trademark suggests the series could be making a comeback

A new Donkey Kong trademark suggests the series could finally be making a comeback.

According to a tweet by Kremling Kampaigner, Nintendo has updated the trademark related to the Donkey Kong franchise. But this isn’t merely an extension of an existing trademark that’s approaching its expiration, it’s a brand new one with additional clauses. Amongst the lengthy technical jargon, the phrase “downloadable programs for portable and electronic consoles” appears, implying that the long-running series could be making its way to Nintendo Switch. 

Nintendo has updated the trademark for Donkey Kong. Rather than being a routine extension of an existing trademark, this is a new trademark with updated verbiage pertaining specifically to video games, including “downloadable programs for portable and electronic consoles.” 1, 2022

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Following the tweet, fans have already been speculating what could be in store for the series. “Donkey Kong 64 on Expansion Pack seems like a super safe bet,” says Twitter user Marcdachamp (opens in new tab). “We had it on Virtual Console, and there are currently no more announced games for the N64 app.” Jacob16566761 (opens in new tab), on the other hand, wants only one thing: “Pls let there be a new Donkey Kong Country, pls let there be a new Donkey Kong Country.”

Despite being one of Nintendo’s most iconic characters, it’s been several years since we’ve seen Donkey Kong in his own game. The series’ latest entry was Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze which launched for the Wii U in 2014 and was ported to the Switch in 2018. In our review of the Switch version, we said, “Donkey Kong has never looked so good”. While another slice of Donkey Kong action is well overdue, the new trademark could, of course, not amount to anything, so you’re best off not going ape until we get official word from Nintendo. 

In other news, a recent Retro Gamer interview revealed that Donkey Kong only got his own original Game Boy spin-off became it was too hard to port Donkey Kong Country to the handheld. And in 2024, visitors to Japan’s Super Nintendo World will be able to get up close and personal with the mighty gorilla in the park’s huge new Donkey Kong expansion.

There are plenty of great games in store for Nintendo’s handheld. See them all in our guide to upcoming Nintendo Switch games for 2022 and beyond. 

About Fox

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