Heres why we dont have a Driveclub VR review: it made everyone sick

You may have noticed, looking over the breadth of PlayStation VR coverage that we have, that we don’t have a review for one of the headset’s launch titles, Driveclub VR. Well, there’s a reason for that, and that reason starts with “motion,” ends with “sickness,” and in the middle there’s a “BLLLFRRRPPHH!!!”

Simply put, we just couldn’t find anyone who could handle playing the game long enough to review it. We tried several victim–er, volunteers, but no luck. But we didn’t want to leave you with nothing, so in lieu of a traditional review, please enjoy some captured footage as we theorize about why this particular game affected us so deeply:

Virtual reality is cool and all, but it’s also a relatively new technology, and that means there are kinks yet to be ironed out. One of the biggest obstacles for VR is reducing or eliminating motion sickness – a feat that Driveclub VR, we’re sad to say, does not at all accomplish.

If things change and we find someone with an iron stomach and inner ears of steel, we’ll let you know. In the meantime, consider this a cautionary tale, and keep a wastebasket nearby just in case.

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About Fox

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