Future State: Swamp Thing #1 “Obsidian Sun” preview

DC is beginning to let more of the Future State cat out of the bag. 

The publisher has released another preview of an upcoming title – in this case, writer Ram V. and artist Mike Perkins’s Future State: Swamp Thing #1, on sale January 5.

Future State: Swamp Thing #1

(Image credit: DC)

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“In Future State: Swamp Thing #1, from the ashes of a terrible war, life blooms anew in Swamp Thing’s image,” reads DC’s official description. “The remnants of humanity lie in hiding, forever in the shadow of the green god who now rules the planet. When the new avatar of the Green uncovers a stray human, a rebellion is revealed! But this Swamp Thing is no stranger to violent ends, and neither are his creations. If it’s war humanity wants, it will be at their doorstep—and Swamp Thing will never be the same!”

The two-issue story, which promises to reveal “the destiny of the DC Universe” is called ‘Obsidian Sun,’ and if you think that refers to the DC character Obsidian, you’re probably right. 

Spinning out of the finale of Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 on sale January 5, DC Future State “will take you on a journey from the near future to the end of time to witness the destinies of heroes like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Justice League, the Teen Titans, and so many more.”

Check out the pages including three new color interior pages in our gallery below:

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Earlier Friday Newsarama readers got the first look at Future State: Teen Titans #1, which includes spoilers about the deaths of several prominent characters and a look at the “new Nightwing” (who looks a lot like a Nightwing-Deathstroke mash-up). 

DC seems set to reveal even more about Teen Titans, Swamp Thing, and the rest of the Future State Justice League family later Friday during their virtual CCXP panel that begins (opens in new tab) at the oddly-specific time of 3:26 pm ET.

Maybe someday Future State: Swamp Thing will be added to Newsarama’s countdown of the best Swamp Thing stories of all time

About Fox

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