Call of Duty: Warzone season 5 teaser shows a nuke hitting the maps stadium

A new Call of Duty: Warzone (opens in new tab) teaser sent to streamer Tyler Polchow (opens in new tab) shows the inside of the elusive Stadium just before a blast hits the area. Check it out below.

What’s gonna happen in season 5!? 21, 2020

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The video shows what looks like security footage of a lounge area inside the footy stadium, which has been closed off since Warzone first released. There’s a few bar counters and barstools, and a giant logo emblazoned on the far wall. As the camera pans, a loud, sharp bang rings out before a growing white light fades in just before the screen goes dark and ‘No Signal’ appears on screen. Certainly looks like someone dropped a nuke on Stadium, right?

The idea of a nuke dropping on the map has been floating around since the Warzone bunkers (opens in new tab) opened and bunker 11 revealed a nuke (opens in new tab) being built. All of this ties into a bigger Warzone/Call of Duty story, so bear with me. 

As we’ve previously reported (opens in new tab), the nuke will certainly mean some serious map changes for Warzone season 5 (opens in new tab). It’s also part of the Call of Duty franchise macro story, and will likely reveal the next game in the series – the rumored Call of Duty: Black Ops – Cold War (opens in new tab). Since Warzone will remain a constant throughout the Call of Duty franchise, it’s a clever vehicle for drumming up hype for upcoming games.

Another Warzone video sent to Twitch streamer NICKMERCS seemingly confirms the other major season 5 map change – the addition of loot trains (opens in new tab), which will reportedly loop around the map ala Apex Legends. 

Both promo videos sent out have date and time stamps, with August 5, 2020 as the date on both videos. The train video is time stamped at 10:46, while the stadium video is marked at 11:05. There’s no saying what time zone that refers to, but we can safely say it’s morning if we’re following the military clock – which Call of Duty should do. 

If all the hype is true, this will be the first major map change since Warzone’s March release.

Oh, and about Black Ops…Call of Duty: Black Ops CIA codename revealed as players boot up Red Door demo. (opens in new tab) 

About Fox

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