The Blade Runner sequel adds House of Cards Robin Wright to its cast

Blade Runner 2 is already generating a lot of interest, and it’s just got about ten times more interesting: Robin Wright will now appear in a “key role (opens in new tab)”. It’s quite a change for the House of Cards actress, who will switch out the Underwoods’ backhanded political antics for a part in the long-awaited sci-fi sequel. That’s not to say we won’t see her rockin’ more killer power-suits and generally being badass… because we don’t know who she’s playing. Yet.

Original helmer Ridley Scott will produce the movie but not direct, instead handing over the reins to Sicario’s Denis Villeneuve. He’s set to direct from a script by Hampton Fancher (who co-wrote the original) and Michael Green (Alien: Covenant). Story details are being kept under lock and key for now, but we do know that it takes place several decades after the 1982 original and will involve the return of Harrison Ford’s replicant hunter Rick Deckard.

The specifics of Wright’s character are still unknown at this stage, so we’ve no idea how she might come to cross paths with Ford’s grizzled former cop and franchise newcomer Ryan Gosling, who’s said to be taking on the lead role. If her performances in House of Cards and 2013’s underseen sci-fi epic The Congress are anything to go by, whatever she does we’re in for a treat. It’ll probably have something to do with androids.

Directed by Denis Villeneuve and starring Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling and Robin Wright, Blade Runner 2 opens on January 12, 2018.

Images: Netflix

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